We help you prepare your employees for their future
Your group retirement package might need to consider just a handful of people or maybe thousands. Your company is unique. We understand this and have the knowledge and tools to help you identify and meet your needs.
Our service approach is highly consultative. This means that we want to work with you as partners rather than just sellers of insurance. We want to be around to watch your business grow so that we can help you prepare for, and adapt to the changes.
At Schueler Group Benefits, we want to know about your goals, day-to-day operations and long-term dreams too. If we know the whole story, we can create custom solutions that solve your short-term problems while also setting you up for your long-term goals. We deliver group benefits plans that are flexible, fresh and aware of the direction your company is going.
A plan designed to meet your needs can be selected from the following:
- Capital Accumulation Planning
- Defined Benefit Pensions
- Group RRSP’s
- Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA)
- Share Purchase Plans
- Money Purchase Pensions
- Terminal Funding
- Retirement Allowances
- Actuarial Evaluation
- Deferred Profit Sharing Plans
- Governance and Policy Development
We are able to access over 20 insurance companies, banks and trust companies and 2,000 mutual funds through Schueler Group Benefits Corp.